
creative flow, the lack of

It's been a while since I picked up my camera and went out to try and capture creative photos, and part of me is perfectly okay with that.  It's weird because I want to get better at photography and I enjoy it, but for some reason there's this piece of me that feels dried up creatively right now.  what's up with that???  Part of me wonders if all the work to try and get some work in photography is sucking the creative part out of it, but there's not much I can do about that since you sort of have to work, to get work that allows you to work creatively. Catch 22 much?

So anyway, just wanted to put it out there.  Do you ever feel like this? 

On another note:  I do have a big blog entry coming in the next week or so...I haven't been able to share much about my "shoot" with some Olympic athletes...well, the TV spot (the reason we were there) is going to air on August 8th during the Olympic ceremonies...after that, things won't be so hush hush, and I can share some of my stories with you.


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