
Stevo's Latest Music Reviews Vol. 11

It's been more than a while since I prophesized of a musical talent that you should go out and immediately buy...it's not because I do not have these recommendations, but simply that I haven't had the time to adequately blog into the blog-o-sphere and let people know. So, without further ado:


Brett has been around for quite a while now, and I've been listening to him for a fair bit of time. He's become one of my favorite folk singers around and reminds me of my favorite characteristics of Paul Simon mixed together with some new, unfamiliar, qualities that make his music attractive. His voice is unique and engaging and his lyrics make me think...he's taken music and brought back storytelling with great music. He's more than worth the listen, and if you're dissapointed with Brett Dennen's music...well, then you probably shouldn't be listening to my recommendations anyway.

"What did you do today, Stephen Scott Lee?"
Whether you have kids, or if you just have a child-like fun-finding quality about you, Steve Lee's album will make you smile. The entire CD takes you through a day in the life of Steve as a kid in school, who wakes up, goes to school, takes a field trip to the zoo, comes home and has dinner with the family, brushes his teeth and goes to bed. Many people would say that the CD is just for kids because the subject matter is that of children, but I say "NAY". What's awesome about this disc is that as it spins, you're reminded of the magic of being a kid and seeing things like animals at the zoo or riding the bus to school with the Crazy bus driver we all know we had at that age.

You can find Steve's music at virb.com/stevelee or you can go to myspace.com, but whatever you do, you should find him. Check out "Count to 10", a song about getting mad and "counting to 10" to help you cool off. Priceless.


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