
Look Up

A couple weeks ago I took this picture on my 27th birthday. We were walking around the park and I was just snapping away at stuff, but this picture has been on my mind today as I sit in my grey cubicle, busy and stressed. I spend much of my days walking as quickly as possible around between these walls I call work, head down and focused on the objective.."clap monkey clap". It's good, in that, I enjoy challenging and fast paced work, but it's so easy to forget to look up sometimes and remember that there are amazing things going on around me that deserve more attention. God's involvement in my marriage, the baby inside Kristine's belly that will be here in mere days, our amazing friends, etc etc..the list goes on.

This picture just reminds me of that. Sometimes God gives us little hints, even when our eyes are pointed to the floor, focused and hurried, and if we take the time to pause and check it out, sometimes we get to see something really cool.


Anonymous,  7:30 AM  

Adler has arrived. Look forward to seeing on ya'll on Saturday.

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