
Motrin - Really? You want to tick off moms?

Not quite sure who Motrin is trying to connect with on this commercial...does it tick you off, or does it make you want to take Motrin?

I'm actually a big fan of Motrin. With my back injury, it's been better than most of the other stuff at giving me some relief. But even as a Dad (let alone a Mom), this commercial rubs me the wrong way...


rushingray 11:17 AM  

Yeah...That's just a little wierd.

Leo 8:57 AM  

probably the person who created it is a mom and wear her baby all the day long.

this is tired and crazy enough for me. I totally understand.

Anonymous,  9:40 PM  

really love the ad. i don't identify with it...it's been years since i have had kids.

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