
S Hunton Photography - Molten Lava

It's been way too long since I've posted on the blog. The truth is, blogging (for me) is kinda like a journal. I get on a roll and am posting a bunch of stuff and then get slightly busy and fall off of the blogger map completely.

Well, things have been pretty nuts in April for Kristine and I. We totally knew it was coming, but nonetheless, it has been a crazy ride. One of the big events for the month was my trip to Nashville to hang out with a bunch of guys from the old band days. They're now in a band called Molten Lava and have been creating some "original 80's" music, so they headed to Nashville to record at Vibe56 studios with our good friend and producer Dave Wilson. The trip was a total blast, I got to hang out in the studio and sing in a couple choruses along with doing a tiny amount of percussion. We had a blast and part of the trip was spent doing a bunch of promo photos for the band, as well as some solo project work for Zach Gump (one of Molten Lava's lead singers).

I came back with a lost voice and memory cards full of images. It's been almost two weeks and I've finally gotten most of the pictures edited. Here are a couple of my favorites from the weekend:


Anonymous,  5:42 AM  

these photos are just amazing :)

Anonymous,  10:40 AM  

just came across your blog, photos are GREAT. I haven't done to much people photography but always enjoy that genre of images.

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