
could there be anything cooler???

You may have noticed the lack of postings over the last few months, and I promise...it's not that I don't love you. It's me. You see, there's this new person in my life, and well...it's crazy to say this so soon, but I'm in love. I know...how could I love something so fast? Well, I can't explain it...but one thing is for sure...the relationship is taking its toll on blogging. :)

So, as an update:
Things in Hunton-town are going really well. Adler continues to "grow like a weed" and is eating and pooping up a storm, so that's good (he's literally eating right as I type). Adler is officially 2 months old and rockin into 2007 in the 75th percentile with his weight, which is huge considering he was born in the 25th. All in all, Adler Ryan Hunton is the coolest kid on the block, and I'm completely infatuated with him.

As for the livelyhood of stevohunton.blogspot.com:
I will be posting a bunch more in 2007. I'm a huge fan of blogs, so if you have one, comment it on my page so that I can check it out sometime. I've got some fun ideas for videos and music reviews, so keep coming back and let me know what kinds of things you'd like to see in the blog world...


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