

wonder, originally uploaded by stephenhunton.com.

My fav from a shoot with The Presleys. We have this great little trade off program where they've watched our dogs a couple weekends, all for some free pics of their kids. Last Sunday we shot for around an hour and then went to Moe's.

Unfortunately one of the kids mad barfed all over the table, but it was pretty funny in the end...isn't it amazing how desensitized you become to puke and poo once you've had a kiddo???


roy 7:05 PM  

sweet pic dood. be honest, did you take a picture of the yak?

Nick Ayres 10:27 PM  

so now i know how Chris gets all those "free" pix.


Anonymous,  5:36 PM  

that is hilarious. I'm beginning to know what that is like.

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