

I'm sure I should support Roy in his vacation...but here's my view today:

and here is his!!!

I do have to say though...my view is pretty great with Adler and Kristine in front of me...but I'd rather be looking at them on the beach!!!

Things at the office are pretty crazy this week. We're prepping for a TV shoot on Monday, but also taking Clients to Dallas for a visit at the Agency this Thursday. Everything seems to be moving pretty fast, but hey..."it's advertising".

Hopefully by now you've seen the Olympics TV spot we did on TV...I know I have...because I've watched Olympics like a mad man. I'm such a fan this year, probably more so than any other Olympics in the past.

Can you believe how awesome Team USA has been in the pool so far? I can't. and how about the Men's gymnastic team last night! It's like patriotism has started pouring from me like the sweat off of a marathon runner.

I want my faith to be like this. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. This week it's closer because of things like worship @ Buckhead Church or reading about Life on The Larsen's blog. God continues to show Himself everywhere, and that makes it easier...so like my patriotism for the US during the Olympics...what does it take to keep the feeling once the Olympics are over...or God isn't quite as visible in the everyday as he is now?


khunton 11:15 PM  

awe, you are such a sweetie! and talented! i love you!

roy 6:50 PM  

i agree with khunton, miss you sweetie. thanks for the shout out.

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