
yep....busted it out as promised.

something great about a track jacket...

only...has the track jacket sort of become overdone? Is it one of the garments of clothing that previously, before everyone & their dog got one, was a symbol of "hey man, check out my coolness...I'm not gonna go for a run...just workin out my inner pimp daddy"?

Maybe I'm reading into it a bit much. I dunno.


Jason 11:39 AM  

holla at the track jacket.. wearing mine right now..

Patrick Hunton 2:23 PM  

i've been wearing mine for the past couple weeks (and it hasn't exactly been cold here for some of that time). plus... mine has a couple really sweet hole burnt through it from a backyard fire in my nashville days. come to think of it, i could really use a new track jacket (or 3). ;)

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